EPA Adds CRI’s Green Label to Fed Guidelines

DALTON, GA — The Carpet and Rug Institute (CRI) recently announced that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has added the CRI’s Green Label Plus (GLP) certification program to the agency’s recommendations of specifications, standards and ecolabels, according to a press release.
The EPA’s recommendations guide the government procurement practices, and it performs independent evaluations via the Independent Assessment Entity. The GLP program was evaluated and approved as a single-attribute standard due to in part to its accreditation by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI).
GLP is a voluntary, industry testing program for carpet, adhesive, and cushion products that “establishes the highest standard for indoor air quality ever set by the carpet industry,” and the GLP program aims to identify these products that meet stringent criteria for low volatile organic compound emissions.
“We’re pleased that GLP products are now eligible for purchase under the federal procurement guidelines,” CRI President Joe Yarbrough said in the release. “This reinforces that the rigorous analysis undertaken through the Green Label Plus program is among the best indoor air quality testing programs for flooring.”
To receive Green Label Plus certification, carpet, adhesive, and cushion products must undergo a strict testing process. Learn more about Green Label Plus and Green Label Plus products at www.carpet-rug.org/GLP.
“The Green Label Plus program continues to lead the industry and showcases the carpet industry’s commitment to creating products that promote indoor air quality,” Yarbrough added.
CRI provides science-based information and insight on how carpet and rugs create a better environment and aims to serve the industry and public by providing facts that help people make informed choices.