Eight tools for your cleaning caddy


VANCOUVER, WA — This spring, as windows open for the first breaths of fresh air in months, many Americans will begin the process of spring cleaning their homes, according to a press release.

While spring cleaning is a great way to improve both the appearance and indoor environmental quality (IEQ) of a home, using the wrong tool or process can quickly derail this effort, the release stated.

"Believe it or not, there is a wrong way to clean. Using the right tools and developing a plan of attack before you start cleaning will help you make the best use of your time and energy,” said Bruce Vance, certified instructor and chairman of the IICRC’s House Cleaning Technician Program.

According to the release, the IICRC recommends you use the following tools and products to make the most of your spring cleaning efforts:

  1. Microfiber cloths and distilled water.
  2. A damp and dry cloth.
  3. A scrub sponge or a scrubbing microfiber cloth.
  4. A plastic spatula or cleaning knife.
  5. A toothbrush.

For more, click here.

Once you have the proper tools in place, the IICRC recommends having a directional plan when you start cleaning, the release noted.

Click here to read the release in its entirety.

Cleanfax Staff

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