Doug Gatlin Named Green Seal CEO


WASHINGTON, D.C. — Ecolabel organization Green Seal Inc. recently named Doug Gatlin its Chief Executive Officer. The board of directors appointed Gatlin, with an official start date of January 16.

Gatlin formerly was senior vice president of the U.S. Green Building Council (USGCB) where he led the organization in its efforts to grow the Leadership in Energy and Environment Design (LEED) initiatives, including spearheading the Existing Buildings Operations & Maintenance rating system. He also was leader of service delivery for the Green Building Certification Institute.

Gatlin also spent 10 years with the U.S. EPA, dealing primarily with regulatory innovation, and led led an ENERGY STAR Buildings team.

Gatlin’s experience with these organizations, each essential to environmental certification, is a prime reason for Green Seal’s choice.

“We are delighted to have someone with Doug’s experience and 25-year track record in sustainability take the helm of Green Seal at this important time,” Green Seal Board Chair Dr. Joanne Fox-Przeworski said. “Doug’s personal passion and experience in the arena, along with his exceptional ability to translate vision and strategy into execution, make him the perfect choice to lead Green Seal at a time when companies increasingly value sustainable processes and products.”

Gatlin reports he is “honored” to be a part of Green Seal, especially in light of the current environmental movement.

“As the premier ENGO leading the ecolabeling revolution, Green Seal has played a crucial role in helping buyers make informed choices that help protect human health and the environment, while saving money,” said Gatlin. “I’m looking forward to working with the many leading companies and service providers whose offerings represent environmental leadership and can benefit from Green Seal certification. These are the true leaders of today’s environmental movement, and we need more of them.”

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