Comet Pumps offers new high-pressure pump website

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BURNSVILLE, MN — High-pressure pump and accessory manufacturer Comet Pumps recently launched a high-pressure pump website website exclusively dedicated to the company’s HPP lines including detailed information about each at, according to a press release.

“This newly designed website offers quick and easy access to indispensable information and features that offer a clear understanding of the quality and performance Comet HPP brand pumps deliver to industrial markets,” the company said in the release.

The high-pressure pump website offers increased functionality and a user-friendly design. The site also provides users updates on the company including news and product resources.Upcoming corporate events, product launches, and other business activity will all be updated frequently.

“The idea of an HPP-dedicated website is driven by the desire to give a stronger identity to this brand on a global level. We wanted to provide our online visitors not only an informative website on HPP pumps and accessories, but the most up to date content that is expected,” said Giorgio Barbareschi, A representative of Comet’s International Marketing team.

Comet pumps is an Italian manufacturer of a full line of industrial high-pressure pumps and accessories that operate with power ratings up to 550 HP, flow rate up to 128 GPM, and pressures up to 40,000 psi for sewer jetting, hydro excavation, hydro demolition, high-pressure cleaning, water jet cutting, and many other industrial applications.

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