Carpet cleaner wins $25k


DAVENPORT, IA — Sean Messmer, a carpet cleaner in the Quad Cities, recently won $25,000 from a “Bingo Boxes” scratch-off lottery ticket, according to an article from the Quad-City Times.

The 28-year-old man said he bought the ticket at a local Kwik Shop earlier in the day but didn’t scratch it until later that day when he visited a friend.

“[I] scratched it, and I got the one diagonal line, and I was like, ‘Oh hey, I got 25 bucks; I’ve never got that much off of these,’” Messmer said. “I got the other diagonal line, and I stopped hearing [my friend], and I told him to ‘shut up because I think I won $25,000’.”

Messmer, who paid $2 for the scratch-off, said he plans to buy a new car and bed with his winnings.

Please click here for the original article.

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