California Committee Passes 2,000 Square Feet Production-Rate Bill

State Capitol Building Sacramento, California

On April 17, 2024, California Assembly Bill 2364 passed the state’s Labor and Employment Committee. This bill would impose production-rate limits for workers of an average of 2,000 square feet per hour during a shift and increase the costs of mandatory harassment-training programs for all cleaning service employers in the state of California. The production rate is the amount of space that a janitor can clean.

Beginning January 1, 2026, this bill would also revise the list of circumstances under which the California Division of Labor Standards Enforcement is prohibited from registering an employer to include, among other things, “the employer fails, refuses, or is unable to attest under penalty of perjury that, in the year immediately preceding submission of the application, no employee has been subjected to a production rate during any shift that exceeded an average of 2,000 square feet per hour of work.”

The bill will next be taken up in the California Assembly Appropriations Committee before it can go to the full Assembly. If it passes there, it will still need to pass the state Senate and Governor Gavin Newsome before becoming law. ISSA will continue to monitor and engage with policymakers, our members, other businesses, trade associations, and labor in the state on this important piece of legislation.

Even if you do not currently operate or clean facilities in California, ISSA believes it is important to inform you about this bill as it could serve as a model for other states to consider in the future.

ISSA is the only organization advocating at the federal and state levels on behalf of the entire cleaning industry. As a member benefit, ISSA has a Legislative & Regulatory Update that is emailed every two weeks highlighting issues facing the industry like this one. This is a free member benefit, but you must opt in to receive this update here.

Please contact ISSA Director of Government Affairs John Nothdurft at [email protected] if you have any questions about the legislation or would like to get engaged in our advocacy efforts.

Cleanfax Staff

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