Bonnet Pro Announces New Active Film Technology


TELFORD, PA — May 10, 2018 — Bonnet Pro has developed Active Film Technology (AFT), what it is calling “the next evolution in carpet care technology,” which will be built into many Bonnet Pro encapsulation formulas, starting with OMEGA Citrus, according to a press release.

AFT is neither encapsulation nor protector. It is a natural, safe, non-toxic, positive film that coats the surface fiber with an invisible, durable layer only a few microns thick. This helps prevent the negative oily film, commonly called an “oily binder,” which causes rapid resoiling.

The positive AFT film barrier exhibits repellent properties. When the fiber is cleaned, the AFT hydrophilic barrier causes soils to “float” on the film so soils can be displaced or cleaned more easily — and often with a less aggressive cleaning chemical. AFT helps prevent new soils from attaching to the underlying face fiber once in place. This amazing component is natural, safe and non-toxic.

While protectors can still be used with Active Film Technology, AFT is cheaper, does not require extra application time. It also has no odor and is reapplied during each clean at no extra cost to the company because it is built into Bonnet Pro encapsulation formulas

A glass and hard surface cleaner is also in the works.

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