Bivens gets three months in prison for 2007 company sale


WASHOUGAL, WA — Jeffrey Bivens, the tax attorney who aided in the illegal actions surrounding the 2007 sale of Longview, WA-based Charles Prescott Restoration, has finally been sentenced to prison, according to an article from the Columbian.

Bivens helped business owner Donald Chill provide inaccurate information to both the Small Business Administration and the local bank who provided a $2 million business loan in the sale of the business.

The three-month sentence from the district court comes despite a recommendation by the U.S. Attorney’s Office for a 24-month sentence for Bivens.

Chill was sentenced in 2010 to four years in prison, five years of supervised release and $4.9 million in restitution.

The U.S. Attorney’s office said, “This case and conduct should be a clarion call to attorneys and brokers, in Washington and elsewhere, that they must cut square corners when dealing with a federally insured financial institution.”

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