ANSI/IICRC Publish New Standard for Professional Mold Remediation


The Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC) released a revised ANSI-approved ANSI/IICRC S520 Standard for Professional Mold Remediation (4th edition, 2024). This standard describes the procedures to be followed and the precautions to be taken when performing mold remediation in residential, commercial, and institutional buildings, and the systems and personal property contents of those structures.

This standard was written for use by those involved in the mold remediation industry, primarily for mold remediation companies and workers, and secondarily, for others who inspect or assess mold complaints, prepare remediation specifications, protocols, or procedures, and manage remediation projects (e.g., indoor environmental professionals or IEPs).

The ANSI/IICRC S520 Standard for Professional Mold Remediation includes the following which are described in the standard:

  • Principles of Mold Remediation
  • Mold Cleaners, Antimicrobial Chemicals, and Coatings as Remediation Tools
  • Building and Material Science
  • Remediator Qualifications
  • Safety and Health
  • Administrative Procedures, Documentation and Risk Management
  • Inspection and Preliminary Determination
  • Limitations, Complexities, Complications and Conflicts (LCCC)
  • Structural Remediation
  • HVAC Remediation
  • Contents Remediation Post-Remediation Verification
  • Indoor Environmental Professional

“After participating in the creation of the S520 since its inception, then chairing it through its third and fourth editions, I feel this consensus body has been the most dedicated, hardworking, and productive group of volunteers I have never worked with,” said Jim Pearson, IICRC S520 consensus body chairman. “We believe this is the most accurate and informative Standard of Care for mold remediation ever produced.”

“This update represents a critical step to ensure the industry accepted Standard of Care reflects what is current and prudent in the field of mold remediation,” added Brandon Burton, IICRC standards chairman. “I commend Mr. Pearson and the current IICRC S520 consensus body on the countless hours and effort they have volunteered to this revision, and to their ongoing commitment to our industry and its stakeholders.”

To purchase a copy of the new ANSI/IICRC S520: 2024 and other standards, click here. IICRC standards are also available via the IICRC Standards Subscription website.

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