AGA to Host Restoration Industry Briefing with Xactware


MT. LAUREL N.J.ā€”June 17, 2020ā€”Restoration industry professionals: Does Xactimate accurately reflect current pricing in your market? Are you hungry for transparency from Xactware? Ed Cross, contractor advocate of the Restoration Industry Associationā€™s Advocacy and Government Affairs Committee (AGA), has announced an open forum with with Xactware to discuss these issues. The member-exclusive RIA industry briefing with Xactware will take place this Thursday, June 18, 2020 at 1 p.m. EDT.

All RIA members are encouraged to join RIA President Mark Springer and AGA Chair Katie Smith for the briefing with Xactware CEO Mike Fulton. They will be discussing strategies to improve the accuracy of Xactimate pricing, and throughout the discussion, Mr. Fulton will field live questions from the audience.

In two previous briefings, Mr. Fulton has acknowledged that contractors have different overhead needs and that the right price is job-specific and based on what a willing buyer will pay a willing seller. Xactware is listening to our feedback and working with us to improve their tools to reflect more accurate rates. This week we will discuss some of these specific steps and how they impact pricing in your market.

If you have missed the previous discussions you can listen to them here. However, if you did not catch the first two meetings, don’t let that stop you from joining in this week. Arguably,Ā these are the most important issues faced by restoration contractors.Ā RIA and the AGA Committee have made incredible progress in advancing the issues that profoundly affect restorers. Please join the movement and learn more about the AGA mission and initiatives. The continued success of AGA requires active participation from restorers on a large scale. Your engagement is necessary to push this important work forward.

The RIA industry briefing is for RIA members only. Log in with your RIA member credentials and register to be part of this important event. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about how to join the webinar. If you are not a member of the world’s largest property restoration association, join today atĀ

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