ACI Convention will host Mitt Romney

NASHUA, NH - SEPTEMBER 7:  Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney speaks at a Victory rally at Holman Stadium on September 7, 2012 in Nashua, New Hampshire.  After accepting the Republican candidacy at last week's Republican National Convention, Romney visits familiar ground in New England.  (Photo by Kayana Szymczak/Getty Images)

WASHINGTON — Former MA governor and presidential candidate, Mitt Romney, will be a featured presenter at the 2015 American Cleaning Institute (ACI) Annual Meeting & Industry Convention, which is scheduled for January 26-31 in Orlando, FL, according to a press release.

Romney will present on Thursday of the convention in a presentation entitled “Keeping America Strong.”

The presentation is set to discuss political problems affecting business owners, including private sector growth, immigration and debt.

“Strength and bold leadership are linchpins of successful companies in the cleaning products industry” ACI President and CEO Ernie Rosenberg said. “Those are also hallmarks of Mitt Romney, whom we are thrilled to have as a featured speaker at the 2015 ACI Convention,”

Registration for the ACI Convention is available here.

For the full release, please click here.

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