Crack the Code on Carpet Care: Join Our Webinar for Expert Insights

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Are you looking to optimize your carpet care program for your company or facility? Want to stay updated on the latest carpet care trends, technology, chemistry, and best practices? Then join us for a one-hour, fast-paced webinar featuring leading industry experts who will share their insights and knowledge on all things related to carpet care. This webinar is presented by Cleanfax Magazine and promises to be a valuable learning opportunity for professionals in the cleaning and maintenance industry.

Hosted by Jeff Cross, ISSA Media Director and an IICRC-approved instructor, this webinar will feature a panel of experts who will provide a balanced focus on facility image and cleaning for health. The panelists include Mark Violand, an IICRC-approved instructor and certified carpet inspector; Lorraine Cruz, regional manager for Ponderosa Hotel Management Services; and Gary Clipperton, president of National Pro Clean and ProClean College, an IICRC Basic Skills School. Together, they will share their expertise on a wide range of topics related to carpet care.

During the webinar, you will learn the details of an effective carpet care program, including the best soil-preventative strategies to keep your carpets looking clean and fresh. The panelists will also discuss methods for implementing interim, routine, and low-moisture cleaning systems, as well as the benefits of robotic technology in your carpet care program. You will gain insights on necessary cleaning equipment, tools, and chemistry and learn about carpet product trends that can impact your cleaning program.

In addition to the practical aspects of carpet care, the webinar will also cover advanced spot and stain removal techniques, as well as strategies for balancing cleaning for health with cleaning for appearance. The panelists will emphasize why cleaning for appearance alone is not a viable strategy in today’s carpet care landscape, and share tips on how to achieve a balance between maintaining a clean and healthy environment while also ensuring carpets look their best.

One of the unique features of this webinar is the opportunity for attendees to engage with the panelists throughout the presentation, including during a dedicated Q&A session. This allows you to get your specific questions answered and gain insights tailored to your own carpet care program and facility needs. So come prepared with your questions and make the most out of this interactive learning experience.

Whether you are a seasoned professional or just starting out in the cleaning and maintenance industry, this webinar is a must-attend event for anyone looking to stay up-to-date with the latest carpet care trends, technology, chemistry, and best practices. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn from leading experts in the field and optimize your carpet care program for success.

Register now for our upcoming webinar and crack the code on carpet care! Visit our website to sign up today and secure your spot for this informative and engaging event. We look forward to seeing you there!

Register Today!



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