8 Steps to a Phenomenal Cleaning and Restoration Business


Before I get going on my first article, I want to sincerely thank Cleanfax for the opportunity to contribute.

Cleanfax and I are on a mission to help cleaning and restoration business owners be more successful in all areas of their businesses so they can be more successful in life.

Over the next few months, I’ll outline the exact strategies you need to find phenomenal success in the cleaning and restoration industry, sharing eight important steps that have been proven not only through my own business but also in cleaning and restoration companies around the world.

What’s most important?cleanfax

I’ve helped cleaning and restoration companies across the globe have record sales and profits, build phenomenal teams and have more time with their families. These companies have been in small towns and big cities. They are owner/operators and large companies.

This article series is not about getting bigger, although if that is your goal, this will help. It’s about getting better, which should be your initial focus. When you get bigger before getting better, it invites all kinds of catastrophes.

Let’s take a look at the first step on your journey to a better business.

Step 1: Be clear on your life goals

The first step is the most important one. Without this step, nothing else really matters. The greatest business lesson I ever learned — and the greatest one you can ever learn — is this:

Your business exists for one reason and one reason only: To be a vehicle to help you achieve your L.I.F.E. (“Living in freedom every day” will be discussed later.) Goals.

If you aren’t clear about where you’re going in life, you probably will never get where you want to be. The problem is most people don’t know how to create a vision for their lives. Also, you may not believe that you can actually do some of the things you secretly dream about.

Let me help you with that. When you look at the seven core areas of life — physical, mental, spiritual, familial, career, financial and personal — in which area do you want to be unsuccessful? “None of them!” you would probably say.

If that’s true, why do people struggle in some of those areas? If we aren’t supposed to be in-debt, why are we? Is it because of external factors, or is it because we haven’t learned how to make money?

If you’re unhealthy (assuming you don’t have a physical condition beyond your control), is it because of someone else or your eating habits?

If you aren’t spending the kind of time with your family you would like, is it because of the economy or because you’re working hard but maybe not “smart”?

My 31 years of experience in business and two decades of coaching small business owners and being personally mentored by some of America’s top experts like Zig Ziglar, John Maxwell and Michael Gerber, tells me there are different reasons.

No vision. If you’re just trying to get through the day, that’s all you’ll ever do.

No belief. If you don’t believe you can reach your goals, you won’t even try.

No desire. If you’re stuck in a comfort zone, you won’t grow.

No confidence. If you fear success, you won’t stretch.

And the biggest reason for defeat:


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No support. If you don’t have the right team in your corner, a team trained in the area you want to grow, you’ll be hard pressed to reach your goal. Every highly successful business owner, athlete, entertainer or professional has a coach. Actually, more than one.

No one succeeds alone. No one.

In today’s complex world, we need people to help us in all areas of life and business. We need people to help us in our weaker areas.

Cleanfax and Howard to the rescue!

Now you have a team in your corner. Cleanfax and I are populating a new page at Cleanfax.com/howardpartridge in which we will lead you to phenomenal success in business and life.

  • Would you like to have more time with your family?
  • Would you like to make more money?
  • Would you like have better health?

Then download a free Life Goal Vision Sheet by clicking the image at right. This document will help you set goals in all seven areas of life, and you’ll get a video that will show you how to get a vision for your life and business.

Howard Partridge started his cleaning business from the trunk of his car over 31 years ago and built it up to over $3M per year. For two decades Partridge has been coaching cleaning and restoration companies, teaching them to have phenomenal success. He is the exclusive small business coach for Ziglar Inc., the world’s first Ziglar Legacy Trainer, the founding member of the John Maxwell Coaching Team, a DISC Certified Trainer, a ONE THING Certified Trainer and a four-time Amazon.com No. 1 bestselling author.

Cleanfax Staff

Cleanfax provides cleaning and restoration professionals with information designed to help them manage and grow their businesses.

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