7 Ways to Keep Your Workers Safe During Winter
December 15, 2023—

As the chills of autumn give way to winter’s frigid temperatures, it’s important to remember that being outdoors in cold weather for an extended amount of time can create a safety hazard for workers.
As part of its Staying Safe During Cold Weather safety initiative, Labor Finders, a U.S. industrial labor staffing company, has complied the following list of seven cold weather safety tips:
- Check weather reports frequently to know you and your workers will be up against.
- Make sure workers protect their body extremities by wearing gloves, boots, and head coverings.
- Tell workers to dress in layers and stay dry. Moisture increases heat loss.
- Remind workers to keep moving to generate body heat and stay warmer.
- Be sure workers stay aware of icy or snowy patches.
- Encourage workers to take frequent breaks away from winds in warm, dry areas.
- Monitor workers’ cold stress symptoms: reddening skin, pain, swelling, cramps, or numbness.
For more tips on keeping workers safe in cold weather, see Prepare Your Employees for Harsh Winter Conditions.