6 Questions: Rob Allen

Rob Allen feature

1 | Who are you, and what do you do?

Rob Allen has built a successful cleaning company along with an industry supply line of products.

My name is Rob Allen, and I am a cleaning industry disrupter. I have more than 40 years of experience in the cleaning industry. I started as a carpet cleaner and bootstrapped my way to owning a multi-truck cleaning empire. Now, I’m a global cleaning supply mogul. Some call me an influencer, a teacher, or a motivator in the cleaning world. But above all, I want to be known as someone who lives by the law of reciprocity—that if I help others become successful, they, in turn, will do the same for me and others.

2 | How did you first get started in the industry?

Due to professional differences, I lost a good-paying job, making approximately $40,000 per year in 1985. Desperate, I went from door-to-door selling spot removers. Then, a woman asked if I could clean her carpet. That moment was the spark that ignited my career. The rest, as they say, is history.

3 | Who in your life impacts you the most?

I must say that, primarily, God impacts me the most. My faith in God is my compass. My faith directs everything I do, especially for my family and the cleaning community. While I respect the industry icons, I’ve always chosen to blaze my own path.

4 | If you could have dinner with one person from history, who would it be, and why?

I would love to have a meal with Jesus. His insight, knowledge, and life course truly inspire me. I know I can never live up to his name, but I would love to pick his brain of infinite knowledge. I know I’m not worthy, but it would be priceless if I had the opportunity.

5 | What music, movies, or books have inspired you?

Honestly, I don’t listen to much music, watch movies and television, or read many books either. Because of that, I am very picky about what I do watch and read.

I’m a fan of a few music groups in the rock and grunge genres. I prefer to watch documentaries and search the internet daily to learn history.

I’ve read the Bible more than five times, including a few different translations. God’s knowledge and insight are hard to trump. I’m not a super devout or zealous Christian, but I appreciate the Creator and his infinite wisdom.

6 | What personal philosophy of life motivates you the most?

The iconic American philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “What you do speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say.” This simple, profound saying reminds us that our actions carry far more weight than our words ever could.

Based on that statement, instead of talking about myself or others, I concentrate on actions—massive actions.

To put it all in perspective, here is my priority list again: I put God first, my family comes second, and everyone else is third.

I live by these principles, not just in word, but in deed.

Cleanfax Staff

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