6 Questions for Doug Heiferman

Doug Heiferman

1 | Who are you, and what do you do?

Doug doesn’t just teach a class. He TEACHES a class.

My name is Doug Heiferman, and I work in textile maintenance. I am a restoration industry trainer, business consultant, IICRC-approved instructor, and a certified master textile cleaner. Traveling the United States and teaching IICRC courses in textile maintenance and restoration for the past 30 years has been a great honor. It is my passion to help clients build highly successful companies.

2 | How did you first get started in the industry?

I graduated from college with several business degrees, starting my career in finance by working for a Fortune 500 company in Manhattan for 10 years. Then, my wife’s family introduced me to the professional cleaning and restoration world. They own Total Supply of New York.

3 | Who in your life has impacted you the most?

My dad was an incredible businessman. I worked with him every summer starting at 16, working for Woolworths in their corporate distribution center in Secaucus, New Jersey. He taught me how to survive in the business world and challenged me to live off-grid, hunting and fishing—all of which gave me the foundation to create positive moments in life. Learning how to face adversity and embrace change came from Dad. I miss him terribly.

Rob Hanks of Bridgepoint Systems is another person who has made a difference in my life. He believed in me and hired me to help build the company 30 years ago. I currently work for Aramsco Inc., which purchased the company from the Hanks family in Utah. I would not be in the position I am in life without the guidance and kindness extended to me by Rob Hanks. We are still great friends.

Doug is a strong believer in family. Pictured with him here are his wife Mary, and daughter, Erin.

And then there is my family. To say I am blessed is a great understatement. My lady, Mary, is my everything. She was the driving force behind our cleaning business for 25 years. With her incredible business skills, she graduated college with an MBA and then worked in Manhattan’s financial district until we started our own business in cleaning and restoration. My baby girl, my shining star, is now an attorney for one of the world’s largest law firms. She motivates me to continue growing both personally and professionally.

4 | If you could have dinner with one person from history, who would it be, and why?

I would have to say, Martin Luther King. I admire his courage and inner strength. Kindness is the true strength of a man. Everyone deserves respect and the opportunity to grow and become their personal best. Racial inequality and oppression abound in today’s changing world. He gave his life to improve civil rights for all cultures. His platform of nonviolent resistance bolsters the incredible man he was.

5 | What music, movies, or books have inspired you?

My favorite book is “Awaken the Giant Within.” The psychology of change is of great interest to me. Tony Robbins takes a unique approach to peak performance: mastering your emotions, body, relationships, and finances while improving your life. He helps you find your true purpose in life and take control, guiding your own destiny.

6 | What personal philosophy of life motivates you the most?

Personal integrity with an emphasis on stretching yourself for optimum growth and learning. We must move from our comfort zone. Challenges help us build confidence, enabling us to propel personal growth. I believe that the road to self-improvement is a lifelong journey.

Cleanfax Staff

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