33 Mile Radius Unveils Restoration Call-Tracking System

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CLEVELAND — August 16, 2018 — 33 Mile Radius this week announced its new call-tracking system designed specifically for disaster mitigation, restoration, and home services contractors, according to a press release.

The program is aimed at taking “the guesswork out of measuring the effectiveness of marketing and advertising campaigns.”

With the call-tracking system, contractors can create individual call-tracking phone numbers for each marketing or advertising campaign to see which is performing the best. They can requisition both local and toll-free phone numbers, which are then routed through the call system to their chosen destination number.

33 mile radius call-tracking system

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“As a core component to our lead generation platform, we’ve learned a lot about call tracking over the last seven years,” 33 Mile Radius CEO Tim Gill said in the relase. “We’ve built all of that knowledge into our new call tracking system. Contractors can now track the performance of their marketing campaigns from our easy to use call tracking dashboard.”

Through the call tracking dashboard, contractors can create and manage call-tracking campaigns. The dashboard also provides call statistics, a recording of each incoming call, and a field for notes.

There is no contract or set up fee for the call tracking system from 33 Mile Radius. Each phone number is billed at a fixed monthly rate, with a call usage charge of 4¢ per minute. Local numbers cost $5 per month and toll-free numbers are $10 per month.

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