2023 National Safety Month Focuses on Preventable Injuries

NSM 2023

The month of June has been set aside in the United States as National Safety Month by the National Safety Council (NSC) as a time to recognize the importance of staying safe both at home and at work.

This year, NSC is focusing on preventable injuries, the fourth leading cause of U.S. deaths according to the council. As the month goes on, NSC, along with the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), will be highlighting four specific topics online: emergency preparedness; slips, trips, and falls; heat-related illness; and hazard recognition.

On NSC’s website, Dr. Joseph Bertulfo, occupational health and safety director at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) stated, “Every year, we look forward to working with NSC to amplify our safety messaging during National Safety Month. Our goal is to create healthier, safer environments where CDC staff can work optimally from anywhere. As a public health agency, we talk about our commitment to saving lives and protecting people 24/7 to the public at large. To do this successfully, we must also provide that same level of care and attention to our own staff.”

To pledge a commitment to safety this month, businesses and their employees can officially take the SafeAtWork Pledge on the NSC website.

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