Voting Opens for 2019 ISSA Innovation Award Program

NORTHBROOK, IL—August 2, 2019—Voting is now open for the annual ISSA Innovation Award Program at ISSA, the worldwide cleaning industry association, sponsors the award program to recognize the industry’s most revolutionary products and services as voted on by cleaning-industry professionals.
The 2019 ISSA Innovation Award Program features new products and services from leading manufacturers and suppliers throughout the cleaning industry. Entries are organized into five categories: cleaning agents; dispensers; equipment; services and technology; and supplies and accessories. Each entry competes for top honors in its own category and, ultimately, the 2019 ISSA Innovation of the Year Award. Category honorees will also be named.
“On behalf of ISSA and the global cleaning industry, I thank the inspiring companies that submitted an entry in the 2019 ISSA Innovation Award Program,” said ISSA executive director John Barrett. “Your efforts not only facilitate efficiency in our industry but are also a vital part of helping ISSA and its members change the way the world views cleaning.”
The pioneering products and services featured in this year’s ISSA Innovation Award Program shine a light on the culture of innovation in the cleaning industry. “From sustainable cleaning supplies to robotics and more, our industry is definitely making its mark,” Barrett said. “The voters will have a hard time selecting from this amazing group!”
How to Vote
Voting for the category awards is open online now through November 15, 2019, at All cleaning-industry professionals, including distributors, building service contractors, in-house service providers, and residential cleaners, are eligible to vote in each of the five categories.
Announcing the Winners
All entries in the Innovation Award Program will be on display in the ISSA Innovation Showcase, Booth 101, November 19–21, during ISSA Show North America 2019 at the Las Vegas Convention Center. Many of the entrants will demonstrate their products in the new ISSA Innovation Center, Booth 401. A list of demonstration times is available in the ISSA Show North America 2019 scheduler.
The five winners of the category awards will be announced at the ISSA Lunch and Learn, November 18, 2019. The prestigious 2019 ISSA Innovation of the Year Award will be presented during the ISSA Innovation Award Ceremony at 1:00 p.m. PST on Thursday, November 21 in the ISSA Innovation Showcase, Booth 101.
The award-winning ISSA Show North America brings together executives and leaders from all segments of the cleaning industry, including higher learning, hospitality, health care, and many more. The conference/expo offers a global platform for manufacturers, distributors, and facility-service providers in commercial and residential cleaning to connect, do business, and share information. Visitors to the 2019 show in Las Vegas will exceed 16,000 people from more than 65 countries. ISSA, the worldwide cleaning industry association, produces shows in Canada, Mexico, South Africa, Italy, Australia, and other regions around the world on its mission to change the way the world views cleaning. Visit