Tibetan Rug Rescue [Photo Contest]


The photo contest winner this month is Murray Peacock of Peacock Rug Care in Ottawa, Canada for their stunning results cleaning a Tibetan rug. His company will receive a Visa gift card worth $250.

We picked up this rug a few days after a basement flood. A wet red Persian rug was tossed on top of this white Tibetan rug, which caused the red to bleed onto it, and then mold started to grow. What a mess—and what a smell! After repeated full submersions in our wash tub and centrifuge extractions, the rug swam in our wash tub for 72 hours with our sanitizing agents, dye stripper, and detergents. We then pressure washed, neutralized, spun, and dried the rug. The red color came out, and the rug smelled like fresh, clean wool.

For an opportunity to win a gift card worth $250, send your images and a brief 100-word description on how you obtained your results to Amanda Hosey, managing editor, at [email protected], or submit via Facebook messenger at www.facebook.com/cleanfax. Contest rules available by request.


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If your truckmount experiences an extreme pressure drop when operating the trigger, it could be the regulator, which can be fixed by disassembling, cleaning, and lubricating.

Read more at www.cleanfax.com/technical-tip/truckmount-maintenance.

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