The Conflict Question

Conflict question challenge in business

What is the biggest challenge in business? The typical answers I hear are …

  • “I can’t find good people.”
  • “Nobody wants to work.”
  • “I don’t have enough customers.”
  • “I’m not making money.”
  • “I work too many hours.”

What about you? What is your biggest challenge? Whatever you feel your biggest problem is, let’s dig a little deeper.

The problem behind the problem

Several years ago, I learned to ask this question: What is the problem behind the problem? For example: What’s the problem behind not being able to find good employees? “I have to do everything myself.”

And the problem behind that? “I spend too much time working.”

And the problem behind that? “I don’t have time with family.”

And the problem behind that? “I miss dinner and important events with my family.”

And we all know the problem behind that. The family becomes stressed, and the family grows apart.

I understand. My family suffered from that. When my son was younger, I worked all the time. I started my training business when he was only five years old. I traveled a lot and missed many opportunities to be involved in his life.

We grew apart and had lots of problems. Thankfully, we are very close today. And now my son has a family. One of the greatest joys in my life today is my two grandkids. I love being with them and am completely involved in their lives.

My friend David Frey likes to say, “No amount of business success can compensate for failure at home.”

Achieve your L.I.F.E. goals

Remember that the one and only reason your business exists is to help you achieve your L.I.F.E. (Living In Freedom Everyday) goals, and surely your goals include having good family relationships. Everyone wants that.

You may not even know what all your goals are yet, but deep down in your gut, you at least know what you don’t want. You don’t want to lose your family. You don’t want to be broke. You don’t want to be a slave to your business.

So, it always comes back to your life and your life goals—the life you were born to live, the life you were created to live.

What’s the solution?

The real reason you aren’t reaching your biggest goals is because of something I call F.T.I. (Failure To Implement).

Would you agree that if you did all that you already know to do, you would be more successful? Of course. Would you agree that if your team did all they knew to do, your business would be more successful? Again, the answer is yes.

The real problem behind all these problems is that you aren’t living the life you feel you are supposed to live.

The common feedback I get from coaching clients when they don’t perform is that they are overwhelmed, a team member dropped the ball, a client had a problem, or some other kind of event like a weather disaster or family problem occurred.

Yet, at the same time, you have other people who are growing despite having the same issues. What’s the difference between the two? The difference is that the person who implemented didn’t let the problems keep them from their goal.

Learn and implement

Coaching thousands of business owners reveals that those who are the most successful do just two things:

  1. They learn the proven systems.
  2. They implement them.

Just having the curriculum available is not enough. You must learn the process and believe that you can accomplish the goal.

Zig Ziglar, the renowned motivational speaker, often emphasized the importance of desire in achieving success. He believed it was the driving force behind all great achievements. It’s the passion and determination to reach your goals that can help you overcome obstacles and stay motivated. A person with a burning desire will do everything they can to discover what the successful person is doing.

I call it inspiration. People who don’t implement aren’t inspired. They are not inspired because they don’t have a vision. They don’t have a vision because they have doubts. They don’t believe!

The Conflict Question

You will always have problems. Issues will always exist. They always continue in a business. But when you have the right processes and the right people in place, your problems will be minimized because your business will be profitable and predictable.

You can start solving those challenges by learning the proven systems, by learning how to be a stronger leader and by learning how to build a phenomenal dream team.

But learning is just the beginning. What do you need to learn?

Howard Partridge

Howard Partridge started his cleaning business from the trunk of his car in 1984 and built it up to over $4 million per year. For two decades, Partridge has coached cleaning and restoration companies, teaching them to have phenomenal success. He is the exclusive small business coach for Ziglar Inc., the world’s first Ziglar Legacy Trainer, the founding member of the John Maxwell Coaching Team, a DISC Certified Trainer, a Business Made Simple Coach, and No. 1 bestselling author of thirteen books including his latest: How to Build a Phenomenal Dream Team: That Can Run Your Business for You.

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