Texas Counties to Receive $135M for Hurricane Harvey Rebuild

Hurricane Harvey Impacts

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas­—February 19, 2020—The Texas General Land Office recently announced that it will earmark $135 million in Hurricane Harvey recovery funds to specifically help low-to-moderate income renters who were impacted by the storm. According to Kris 6 News, these funds will be used to construct or rebuild 14 multi-family developments in several counties along the southeast coast of Texas.

For example, Kris 6 News reports that $12.6 million will go to Aransas County for two multi-family developments, $15.5 million will go to San Patricio County for a 128-unit multi-family complex, and $8.1 million will go to Nueces County for a 60-unit multi-family complex.

Hurricane Harvey was the second most destructive storm in U.S. history, causing $125 billion in damages. The category 4 storm hit the Texas coast in August 2017 with drenching rain and up to 12 feet of storm surge. Harvey weakened to a tropical storm as it moved inland toward Houston, then circled back out into the Gulf of Mexico, gained strength, and struck the coast a second time. The storm hovered over Houston for days, dumping as much as 50 inches of rain in some areas. The massive and widespread flooding made Harvey one of the costliest storms to impact the U.S. More than two years later, many communities along the Texas coast are still dealing with the aftermath and working to recover from Hurricane Harvey.

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