RC99 In-Line Filter, aka Silver Bullet™

The Future of Filtration is here…
• High Flow Aerodynamics.
• The all-stainless model is as durable (Lifetime Stainless Shell & Lids) as it is beautiful.
• Cool Cuff friendly, or any other cuffs you like.
• Large capacity, holds 2.5 times as much as pool filter baskets.
• Wide mesh stainless Basket is the least restrictive of all Filters we tested!
• We teach you how to clean all day without stopping to empty the filter.
The first Filter designed by Real Cleaners… the most user-friendly Filter made.
The RC99 Filter or Silver Bullet as it is called, is designed to let you clean all day without having to stop working. As you can see from the capacity test, the stainless basket inside the silver Basket is over twice as large as the standard pool filter basket we’ve been using all these years…
It’s about time we had a filter made for real cleaners, ya know? Finally… a Filter by wanders, for wanders… the Silver Bullet!
We recommend you follow a simple maintenance procedure to keep your Filter flowing freely.
All you do is ‘wash down’ the Liner inside the filter using the Wash Downer or similar sprayer after each job.
Wash Down Procedure:
When you’re done with the job, leave the machine running. As you are walking back to the van, simply release the top bungee of the front lid and wash down the Liner inside. You won’t need to pull the stainless basket at all. Leave it all in there. Just plug in your Wash Downer and wash it down inside there. Now re-bungee the front Lid and hold your hand over the front port while you lift the front end of your Filter for a few seconds. This helps drain out the standing water. That’s it. Your Filter is now ready for the next job.
Proceed with your normal shutdown procedure. Do the ‘wash down’ after each job and you will have great filtration with very little resistance all day. At the end of the day you you can pop the front Lid again and let the Liner invert itself over a trash can. The debris falls right out. Tuck the Liner back in there and you are ready for tomorrow. Simple.
In this way, you can re-use the same Liner for several days, never having to touch the stuff inside.
You won’t have to go inside your recovery tank near as often either … all because you use the silver Bullet with the Magic Liner.
You will see that these Liners stop about 98% of the debris we extract, including particulate down to fine sand size…
I make these Liners to fit perfectly inside the stainless basket of your silver Bullet.
I also make the Liner many Bulter owners use in their filter boxes …
Butler owners love these Liners …

I make thousands of Liners; all resistant to the harsh chemicals we use in our work. They hold up longer than normal paint strainers Liners.
We sell them for at about half (just 75 cents each) of what you’d pay for paint strainers.
Call for a distributor near you, 253 653-7209
PS. It’s rare, but on big jobs or really hairy ones, you may notice a drop in suction during the job. No problem. The front Lid pops open easily with one hand so you can do a quick Wash Down and get right back to work. Don’t forget to do the wash down after each job and you will have stronger suction all day.
Take advantage of the handsome stainless Filter. Keep it in plain view and show it off as another piece of equipment you bought to help answer their #1 Question, “how long will it take to dry?” Teach your customer how you use the Silver Bullet to help get their carpets really clean & dry really FAST! Show ’em how you will be catching all their stuff inside and offer to let them see it all after you are done wanding. And show them the dual hoses or 2.5” hose. Be sure to point this out and explain it, so they forever know you as that guy with the big hose … their carpet guy who gets it dry in record time. Make sure they know you do it all to get it clean fast and dry fast. Isn’t that all they really want? get in & out of there like you weren’t ever there, except the carpet looks brand new again?
I hope you make lotsa money using this Filter,
– Joe Bristor.