Product Residue Reversal [Photo Contest]
The photo contest winner for this issue is DiGiugno of DiGi Carpet Cleaning in Runnemede, New Jersey for reversing a resoiling issue caused by cleaning product residue from a customerā€™s DIY cleaning attempt. His company will receive a Visa gift card worth $250.
The customer tried to clean the carpet herself and left behind a bad residue from the product. I have seen this before, though never quite as bad as this job. The product used leaves a sticky residue, and carpets will resoil faster and leave a dark outcome. I used high-quality prespray with a good dwell time before cleaning with higher heat. Made a new, happy customer and educated her on what happens if a product is left on the carpet.ā€¯
For an opportunity to win a gift card worth $250, send your images and a brief 100-word description on how you obtained your results to Amanda Hosey, managing editor, at [email protected], or submit via Facebook Messenger at Contest rules available by request.
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The main ingredient of most powdered carpet deodorizers is baking soda, which is abrasive and sticks to fibers, wearing them with each step.