Online Poll: Requiring COVID-19 Vaccines


NORTHBROOK, Ill.—November 23, 2020With multiple pharmaceutical companies announcing successful results from their clinical trials of COVID-19 vaccines, it’s time to begin considering what that means for our companies and employees. Should companies start requiring COVID-19 vaccines for employees?

Most companies in the United States employ workers “at will,” meaning they can hire or fire for any most any reason, including health and safety, according to AARP. This means that requiring vaccinations as a condition of employment is legal, though there are a few exceptions for things like religious and medical conflicts. With many carpet cleaning and restoration companies reporting problems with customers fearing allowing technicians into their homes due to the pandemic, it seems reasonable for service companies to require or strongly recommend that employees are vaccinated against the disease. After all, being able to market to customers that all technicians have been vaccinated against the virus will likely provide a leg up over competition who can’t say the same. But some companies also might not feel comfortable forcing employees to take a vaccine.

That’s precisely our query in our latest Cleanfax Online Poll. Will your company be requiring COVID-19 vaccines for employees? Will you recommend a vaccine but not mandate it? Let us know below!

Take part in the latest poll here:

Will you require/recommend employees get a COVID-19 vaccine when it is widely available?

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Participation takes only a moment of your valuable time. While your response is confidential, your answer just might help another person in our industry make a business decision or find solace in shared misery. Take a moment to share your thoughts with the latest Cleanfax Online Poll regarding COVID-19 surcharges above.

Looking for the results of a previous poll? Visit our poll archive. There you can see the results of polls on a wide range of topics, such as how you pay your techs, what’s most important when buying a new truckmount, whether auto dialers work when fishing for new business, and many more.

Cleanfax Staff

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