Market Research Report Predicts Growth for Carpet Flooring and Cleaning Industries

carpet cleaning industry growth

UNITED STATES—February 16, 2023—A recent market research report by Arizton Advisory & Intelligence suggests that the global carpet flooring market will reach $120 billion by 2028. In the U.S., renovation and remodeling, as well as innovative carpet tiles for commercial spaces will contribute to market growth. As the use of carpet grows, so does the carpet cleaning industry.

Arizton’s evaluation of the carpet cleaning industry predicts the global market will reach $935 million by 2027. Rising home improvement activities and urbanization will continue to drive demand for carpet cleaning services in the U.S., which accounts for more than 30% of the global market. As more people use commercial spaces, the need for regular professional cleaning will only grow. Although COVID-19 lockdowns temporarily disrupted the carpet cleaning market, ultimately the pandemic fueled increased home improvement activities and a heightened focus on cleanliness. Arizton also predicts that the demand for technologically advanced cleaning methods and products will experience significant growth. All in all, the future looks bright for the carpet cleaning industry.

Amy Hughes

Amy Hughes is an editorial assistant with Cleanfax. She has worked as a freelance writer and editor for more than ten years, including four years with Cleanfax. Reach out to her at [email protected].

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