July/August 2023 Restoration Industry Leader Profiles: Sudoc

Dot feature 2

Dot Cleaner’s mission is simple—to outperform harsh chemical products with easy-to-use, low chemical alternatives that are better for workers and better for homeowners.

Dot produces powerful cleaning products in small powder pouches for mold and mildew stains, biological residues, and pet urine/odor on a variety of surfaces. Dot is working on a range of additional cleaning products and continues to innovate. All Dot products use a fraction of the chemical content thanks to our award-winning Dilute Oxidation Technology that makes chemical reactions exponentially more efficient.

The power of partnerships

At Dot, every customer is a partner. We don’t just sell products; we help businesses thrive. Our goal is to support your growth with products that don’t degrade on the shelf, are easy to store, and are easy to move. With Dot, your business gets all of our support, including:

  • one-on-one product guidance
  • bulk and volume pricing
  • Dot marketing, brand, and product resources to support your customer outreach
  • customizable one-pagers and homeowner sell-sheets
  • access to the Dot video library.

Our team has had the privilege of meeting many of the owners and employees of companies adopting Dot. It’s humbling to hear them reflect on the dangers of their jobs and chemical scares. It’s heartening to hear how Dot is improving their business and the well-being of their employees, while providing better results for their customers.

What our partners are saying

Kevin Coppersmith, CEO of ‘58 Foundations and Waterproofing, says, “Dot is the perfect fit for our mission to use sustainable, non-intrusive products in support of our five-star service.”

Chuck Sardelis, CEO of MoldX, calls Dot’s mold stain cleaner an “industry-changing product.”

Zach Konell, CEO of Bulldog Restoration, says Dot’s low chemical products “work just as fast as other chemicals we’ve used in the past. They finally did it.”

Try Dot Cleaner for your business today.

Contact: 610-643-4313 | www.dotcleaner.com

Cleanfax Staff

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