July/August 2021 Restoration Industry Leader Profiles: Delmhorst


For 75 years, Delmhorst Instrument has produced high-quality moisture meters known worldwide for accuracy and reliability. As we celebrate this milestone, we are excited to introduce the next generation of moisture meters to the Navigator™ family—the models BDX-20 and BDX-30!

Designed from the ground up by our engineering team and backed by extensive human factors analysis, these meters are built for industry professionals. The new BDX-20 and BDX-30 are essential tools in your arsenal—whether you are in the general building trades, water damage restoration, or building inspection.

Features of the new BDX-20 meter include:

  • A custom display with auto backlight, making it easy to read in all lighting conditions,
  • On-screen statistics for up to 100 readings,
  • Wood temperature correction in both °C and °F,
  • Color-coded LEDs, plus built-in calibration and battery checks.

For maximum flexibility, opt for the BDX-30 with Bluetooth® and gain the additional benefits of access to the Delmhorst EDGE™ app. Available for your smartphone or tablet, this new feature allows you to customize meter settings and share data from anywhere.

The EDGE App Offers:

  • Timestamping and geotagging,
  • Data export to the CSV format,
  • The ability to save unlimited readings,
  • Customized LED ranges,
  • And support for additional languages.

Both the BDX-20 and BDX-30 are packaged in a patent-pending, robust and ergonomically designed case that provides a premium, tactile feel and intuitive user interface with a dashboard-like display. Of course, both models come backed with Delmhorst’s legendary customer support.

Experience moisture meter technology that packs all of the power of Delmhorst’s 75 years of experience into a sleek, streamlined, cutting-edge device that makes your job faster and easier than ever before.

Contact: 877-DELMHORST (335-6467) | www.delmhorst.com | [email protected]    

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