ISSA Expands ISSA Show Mexico With Co-locations and More Education

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NORTHBROOK, IL — July 12, 2018 — ISSA, the worldwide cleaning industry association, recently announced the expansion of its ISSA Show Mexico 2019 with new show co-locations. New additions will deliver significantly greater value to participants by way of co-located events and an additional curriculum geared specifically to cleaning and maintenance professionals.

Taking place June 5-7, 2019, at the World Trade Center in Mexico City, Mexico, the ISSA Show Mexico 2019 will co-locate with ExpoMed, the largest medical trade show in Mexico, which annually hosts in excess of 10,000 attendees. Further, the Professional Retail Store Maintenance (PRSM) Association will co-locate its member meeting with ISSA Show Mexico 2019. Together, these concurrent events significantly enhance professional networking and best practice sharing opportunities among event delegates, resulting in increased value and connections for all participants.

“ISSA is extremely excited about our new partnerships and the accompanying benefits they translate to for our exhibitors, event attendees, and members in Mexico,” said ISSA Executive Director John Barrett. “Increasingly, we are striving to deliver events and programs that represent world class education and best practices and innovation that enables cleaning and maintenance professionals to deliver maximum value to their clients. The ISSA Show Mexico 2019 embodies this philosophy. We sincerely appreciate our partnerships with ExpoMed and PRSM that enable ISSA to expand its scope and better fulfill the association’s mission in Mexico.”

ISSA Show Mexico 2019 offers an expansive program that delivers outstanding education, information, and professional networking opportunities to attendees. Educational sessions are presented by recognized experts in cleaning and facility management. The exhibition features several of the world’s premier cleaning suppliers and solution providers, covering cleaning agents, health and safety supplies, and state-of-the-art equipment.

Market segments represented at the ISSA Show Mexico 2019 include:

  • Distributors and wholesalers of commercial cleaning products
  • Building service contractors
  • End customers from the food service, hospitality, health care, lodging, education, hospitals, government, restaurants, industrial, and institutional markets
  • In-house service providers and decision-makers.

A leading-edge educational program serves as a cornerstone of the ISSA Show Mexico. For 2019, the education program is enhanced with additional sessions tailored to cleaning and maintenance professionals from health care and food service sectors addressing many relevant topics, including hospital cleaning, cleaning systems, standards, facility work loading, and more. In a significant upgrade, ISSA Show Mexico attendees will also have access to ISSA’s Cleaning Management Institute (CMI)  and Cleaning Industry Management Standard (CIIMS) education and certification.

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