Impact Products offers eye care and protection series


TOLEDO, OH — In honor of Workplace Eye Wellness Month, Impact Products is releasing series of eye care tips and suggestions during March, according to a press release.

“What many people do not realize is that 90 percent of all workplace eye injuries are preventable with appropriate eye protection,” says Jeffery Gayer, vice president of product development and marketing for Impact Products LLC. “This means we need to do a lot more educating of employers and workers [on] ways they can protect their eyes.”

Impact Products, manufacturer of protective eye gear and other workplace safety products began releasing its eye care and eye protection safety tips the first week of March and will continue producing them weekly throughout the month.

“It is estimated that there are more than 2,000 eye injuries in the American workplace each and every day [according to American Academy of Ophthalmology studies]. That means that every 60 seconds in the U.S., a worker injures their eyes,” the company added. “Along with pain, suffering, and possible loss of eyesight, these injuries cost U.S. employers an estimated $300 million a year in lost productivity, medical treatment and workers’ compensation costs.”

According to Gayer, there are two main reasons for eye injuries on the job:

  1. Not wearing protective eye gear,
  2. Not wearing the right type of protective eye gear.

Impact notes in the release the need for using protective eye gear specific to each situation, rather than taking a one-size-fits-all approach. Gayer says, “It’s crucial to match the eye gear with the potential hazards the worker might experience.”

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