Choosing a Truckmount


Carpet cleaners should do their homework before purchasing a carpet cleaning machine. It's an important decision. But when it comes to truckmounts, it isn't always an easy decision.

Why? It's not because there aren't quality machines available. The tough part is choosing from the many options available to professional cleaners. You can choose a slide-in unit or a direct drive unit. Some truckmounts are powered with electricity.

Buying a truckmount can be compared to buying a car. You have to look at options and make the best decision for your company.

No matter the type of carpet cleaning you engage in — whether residential or commercial, budget or high-end — there is a truckmount that is perfect for you. You just have to do your homework.

Make your choice

Slide-in truckmounts are usually less expensive than direct drives, and have specific advantages. They have a separate engine to run the entire unit. Maintenance is straightforward and the units have plenty of power for the toughest cleaning job. And when you need to purchase a new van, you can easily "slide" the truckmount over and quickly get back to work.

Direct drive truckmounts have advantages as well. They are easy to operate and a good choice when turning the truck over to employees. Direct drives are simple to maintain, and much of the maintenance is performed with the scheduled maintenance of the truck — which is the powerplant for the direct drive truckmount.

Both slide-in and direct drive truckmounts on the market today are state-of-the-art and have plenty of heat, pressure, vacuum and airflow. Many of them can run dual wands, increasing productivity immensely.

And, perhaps as a bonus to you is the fact that today's truckmounts do more than clean carpet. They also clean tile and grout and other hard surfaces, and can be used for pressure washing and water damage restoration… and much more. If you need to diversify and earn more money, a quality truckmount is the way to go.

And don't forget electric truckmounts. They are available and can do the job, too. Innovation means that today's electric truckmounts have much more power than those in the past.

The choice is yours. Do your homework and go with the machine that is best for you.

 Click here for this month's Truckmount Showcase.

Cleanfax Staff

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