Avoid Getting Burned By ‘The Check Is In the Mail’ Client

Steve Toburen

In this episode of Take 5 With Cleanfax, Steve Toburen, the founder of Home Front Success, shares strategies that all business owners need to effectively deal with a possible invoice-avoiding client.

Also included in this episode are best practices for protecting companies from payment issues, including setting clear payment expectations up front and having contingency plans in place.

Whether you’re a business owner facing this challenge or a client trying to understand the other side, this discussion will help keep the business relationship intact and foster good practices for both parties.

Check out Steve Toburen’s new online video course,  Converting the “How Much Do You Charge?” Caller! Ten short interactive videos will transform your phone reps into “Lead Conversion Experts”! This video training will supercharge your booking ratios and your net profits will zoom up! https://homefrontsuccess.com/course/c…

For more video content by Cleanfax, check out the Cleanfax Video page and start learning invaluable cleaning and restoration tips today.

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