Doug Hoffman

Doug Hoffman is the founder and Executive Director of the National Organization of Remediators and Microbial Inspectors (, a not-for-profit training and certification organization for IAQ professionals. His passion has been helping people understand how to live healthier lives indoors and empowering them with the ability to have clean air. Get more information from his book, Mold-Free Construction, at Doug can be reached via e-mail at [email protected].

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Timely Information for Volunteers and Residents During Disasters

NORMIPro™ Environmental TASC Force provides important information to volunteers and residents regarding their physical health and safety during the cleanup process following a flood, hurricane,...
Mold on shingles

Choose Mold Removal Products Carefully

When interviewed on a local New Orleans television station, a well-known expert in our area recently said, “When you have a mold problem, simply wash...
lead paint

Dodge a $37,500 Bullet: How to Avoid the EPA Fine

Here are three reasons why you, as a restoration contractor, should get your U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Lead RRP training. Avoiding a US$37,500 fine...
Man feeling sick at work

Protecting the Employee Suffering from Poor IAQ

One of the interesting things we’ve learned through our years of experience in dealing with indoor air quality (IAQ) problems is that everyone reacts differently...
Training classroom

When Companies Go Rogue!

By Doug Hoffman As a certifying agency, the National Organization of Remediators and Microbial Inspectors (NORMI™) too often receives calls from clients concerned about a...
testing for mold

Should You Test for Mold?

By Doug Hoffman For many years, the position in the industry has been pretty simple: “If you see mold, you don’t have to test for...


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