Adobe Offers Free Photo Restoration to Hurricane Harvey Victims

Cropped shot an elderly woman holding an old black and white photograph of a man

SAN JOSE, CA — Restoration professionals know while aiming to restore a water-damaged property to its original form they generally must also see and be empathetic to the pain that homeowners are going through.

We often must remind our staff (and ourselves) that, while we may have seen water damage like this a thousand times, this job is uniquely devastating to this particular client. The family mementos and heirlooms that are lost are often items that cannot be restored, which is especially painful to our clients.

Disaster restoration professionals saw this devastation on a grand scale during the record-breaking hurricane season which hit its peak in the summer of 2017. Restoration in the area is still is progress all over the city and surrounding areas.

Adobe, creators of Photoshop, and its student program, “The Future Is Yours,” looking to fill a restoration need in the area, is helping hurricane victims in the area to digitally correct family photos rescued from the disaster. In an article (with heart-warming video) on, see how a group of high school students worked with victims in the area to “repair rips, tears, color, and contrast damage to photos that hurricane victims told them were often the only copies in existence.”

Adobe in combination with Texas Photo Renovators is offering free photo restoration services for Hurricane Harvey victims — a sign of hope to those affected — at

“We launched this initiative after living through the chaos and destruction of Hurricane Harvey. Watching our family, friends, neighbors, colleagues and strangers all come together after Harvey’s heavy rains and rising flood waters, we knew we needed to do something to help,” the organization says on its website. “If we can help even one family hold on to a special family photo, especially after their home has been lost to flooding, we can help them hold on to hope.”

You can watch a live stream of this photo restoration project on Facebook February 7 at 4 p.m. Eastern.

Cleanfax Staff

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