Hardwood Revival at Surprising Location [Photo Contest]
This issue’s photo contest winner is Courtney Lee of Truman Steemers LLC in Lawrenceville, Ga for his hardwood floor revival for a customer. His company will receive a Visa gift card worth $250.
We were called by a previous client to screen and recoat the hardwood floors in a home they’d just bought. When we arrived, I realized we’d cleaned the carpet in the house before for the previous owners. We screened then cleaned the floors before tacking and rolling on the first coat. We left it to dry and then followed up with another coat. The floors turned out great, and we left another customer happy in one of my favorite neighborhoods to clean.
For an opportunity to win a gift card worth $250, send your images and a brief 100-word description on how you obtained your results to Amanda Hosey, managing editor, at [email protected], or submit via Facebook Messenger at www.facebook.com/cleanfax. Contest rules available by request.
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“Screening” in wood floorcare refers to heavy cleaning or abrasion of the surface with a screen mesh disk or maroon-covered pad as part of the refinishing process.
Refinishing is needed when surface or gloss wear makes reapplication of finish necessary to return the hardwood floor to its desired appearance.
Read more at www.cleanfax.com/better-wood-floorcare.