5 Ways to Brand Your Business


By Mikayla St Clair

Considering how competitive the cleaning industry is, how you brand a cleaning business can make the difference between long-term success and failure. Contrary to popular opinion, branding is not only about a company’s logo, but also about customer perceptions, experiences, and many other factors.

All cleaning businesses have a brand, whether they are aware or not. Your company’s brand helps distinguish your business from the competition. Branding is dynamic and should evolve and grow along with the business.

1 | Select a memorable name

Creating a brand for any business should first begin with selecting a memorable name. Essentially, the name you assign (or reassign) your cleaning business becomes its identity. The name you choose is vital to making a statement and drawing the attention of your target customers to your services.

Choosing a unique and likable name that is likely to attract clients will make promoting your brand a lot easier. Here are some tips to follow when naming your cleaning business:

  • Avoid overly generic names.
  • Study the naming trends for cleaning businesses in your region.
  • Avoid unnecessarily long names.
  • Choose a name that is easy to pronounce.
  • Choose an evergreen name that will likely not fade over the years.

2 | Design an attractive business logo

The process of designing and choosing a suitable business logo is quite similar to the business naming process—and keep in mind both shape your business’ identity. A common mistake to avoid is going overboard with your company’s logo.

Generally, a visually appealing symbol or picture that encapsulates the purpose of your business without coming across as too pretentious or flashy should suffice. Whether you choose to hire a logo designer or not, some factors you should consider when designing your logo include:

  • The colors and the message they portray, for example, white symbolizes cleanliness, green is associated with nature, and blue signals water and purity,
  • The visual appeal of your fonts,
  • The uniqueness of your logo’s shapes and images.

3 | Uphold staff professionalism

Essentially, your staff is the face of your cleaning business since it interacts with customers the most. Therefore, it makes sense to bring them on board the process of establishing your company’s brand.

Equip your staff with customer service and communication skills through training and development programs to signify professionalism in your brand. These skills will enable them to become better communicators and enhance how they interact with customers, from basic conversations to answering questions.

Also, provide your staff with a uniform or a simple dress code to appear more professional. The uniform should be simple and have company branding, for example, in the form of a logo or company colors. Consistently delivering quality services and having a professional look can give your company a solid brand presence.

4 | Focus on pre- and post-service interactions

Your company’s interactions with customers do not start and end during cleaning. Instead, all the interactions your company has with the customers before and after service delivery make up your brand.

Some steps you can take to enhance your interactions with customers outside normal service delivery include:

  • Training your staff on communication etiquette, for example, positive greetings when answering customer phone calls that include mentioning the name of the staff member speaking and the name of your company,
  • Reminding clients about upcoming appointments via email or SMS text,
  • Sending customers follow-up emails after the cleaning is complete and offering post-sale services whenever possible.

5 | Establish an online presence

Having an online presence in this digital age helps potential customers know about your company’s existence and builds business credibility. A great place to start is creating a professional company website and official social media accounts.

Some excellent social media platforms to consider for your cleaning business include Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter. These platforms allow you to engage with existing customers while promoting your brand to potential customers. You can use online reviews as social proof of your company’s exemplary performance.

Mikayla St. Clair is a Public Relations Specialist for Duraclean Restoration. She loves to write informative articles and share her knowledge with readers. Learn more at duracleanrestoration.com.

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