10 Things to Consider Before Purchasing a Floor Scrubbing System


HAMILTON, OH — Kaivac, developer of the OmniFlex™ AutoVac system, recently offered cleaning contractors 10 recommended considerations before buying an automatic scrubber, according to the company’s release.

Because scrubbers are generally a more expensive equipment investment, Kaivac recommends cleaners thoroughly consider the following before purchasing an automatic scrubber:

  1. Lifetime cost of ownership of the machine, which includes the initial purchase price, ongoing maintenance and worker training
  2. Cleaning effectiveness
  3. Ease-of-operation
  4. Ease-of-maintenance
  5. Speed of repair — to avoid costly extended downtime
  6. Productivity rates
  7. Multipurpose efficiency — the ability to handle a variety of flooring needs
  8. Transportability — how easy it is to move the machine from one location to another
  9. Customizability — the ability to be altered to accommodate a facility's specific needs
  10. New floor care systems and technology

As to the last item, Kaivac Communications Manager Matt Morrison points to the many new types of floor cleaning and scrubbing systems available. He says in the release, "This means [cleaning] contractors have many more options and types of machines to choose from they should investigate."

Morrison adds in the release that total cost of ownership is the item most overlooked. He adds, “No contractor wants to be in a situation where they have purchased a costly floor machine but can't keep up with the repair bills."

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