Tips and tricks for desiccant drying from Phoenix
In recent years, Phoenix Restoration has expanded its desiccant dehumidifier offering to the restoration industry starting with its most portable, the 116 PPD D385, which can be operated both vertically and horizontally to fit virtually anywhere in a water loss area; to its 344 ppd Phoenix 1200, designed to fit three units in an SUV; to its 1,000 PPD 1800DX Desiccant Trailer System, a complete mobile drying system which runs six times more efficiently than competitive heat-based systems; to its most industrial desiccant, the Phoenix 4800, which is constructed of lightweight aluminum, removes over 3,000 pints of water per day and still fits in the back of a pickup truck with the tailgate down.
All Phoenix Desiccants have an extended operating range and achieve that ultra-low grain drying needed in many specialty restoration applications.
Tips and tricks to dry with Phoenix Desiccants
There will always be some ducting in any drying desiccant set-up. Remember, duct length and sharp bends in the duct reduce airflow affecting performance. Efforts should be made to keep duct runs as short and straight as possible. Make sure the processed airflow moves throughout the entire affected area. Never place the ends of the process-in and process-out ducting too close to each other. This will cause a “short circuit” of the airflow.
Since the dew point of the reactivation outlet air can be higher than the ambient conditions, it may be necessary to use insulated duct to ensure that condensation does not occur inside the duct and flow back into the desiccant. Running the reactivation duct across a cool slab can also cause condensation inside the duct. When possible the reactivation duct should be run similar to a drain line so condensation does not leak back into the affected area.
In some cases when portable desiccants, such as the D385, are located inside the affected area, it may be difficult to find an appropriate method to vent the reactivation exhaust outside.
In these cases, an LGR of suitable airflow and capacity can be used to dehumidify the reactivation air, essentially creating a condensing desiccant. It is recommended that the LGR’s airflow be at least twice the reactivation airflow. In these situations, additional grain depression can be achieved by taking the reactivation inlet air from the LGR’s process air. The D385 has 75 CFM reactivation airflow, so any Phoenix LGR from the R125 up would be a perfect compliment in these drying conditions.
When thinking about drying with Phoenix Desiccants, it is very effective to think in terms of %RH. If you are familiar with the EMC (equilibrium moisture content) for wood, then it may be helpful to know the desiccant rotor responds to changes in %RH just like wood does, except the silica in the rotor responds about 1,000 times faster. The process inlet air should be the highest %RH possible and the reactivation inlet air should be the lowest %RH possible (that could mean taking the inlet air from a warmer location, taking it from indoors, or just not letting it get cold). When the process RH is high, the rotor will adsorb maximum moisture. When the regeneration RH is low, the rotor will give up maximum moisture. That is the proven way to get the best grain depression numbers and the driest air.
We at Phoenix hope this helps you better understand how to optimize your desiccant drying. Please remember that Phoenix has an arsenal of restoration products that are the perfect first-responders to any drying emergency. Visit us often at or call us today for more information at (800) 533-7533.
This content was provided by Phoenix Restoration Equipment as part of a paid advertisement.
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