The Last Word June 2016: Photo challenge, Facebook update and more
The June 2016 Last Word features Doug Dalton’s challenge-winning photo, a Facebook discussion of collection problems and more.
Photo of the Month Contest
The photo contest winner this month is Doug Dalton of Advanced Carpet Care in Astoria, OR. His company will receive a chemical prize package from Solutions by Steam Pros worth $500.
Doug describes this job: “Using the Cimex, it took about three hours to clean 1,073 square feet, going slow and steady to guarantee consistency. We decided on encapsulation with the Cimex after exhausting other methods and not getting the results we like. Each time using hot water extraction took five to six hours. We tried heavy solvents and rotary extractors and using air movers, but ended up with very bad streaking. This job was probably up to six months between cleanings. We weren’t sure the encapsulation product would have any effect on the greasy soils, but we figured it couldn’t be worse than what we were seeing before. The owners were never really happy with the results of our cleanings but understood that without much more frequent cleanings they couldn’t expect much more. After using encapsulation, they were thrilled.”
For an opportunity to win a chemical prize package from Solutions by Steam Pros (worth $500), send your images and a brief 100-word description on how you obtained your results to Jeff Cross, executive editor, at [email protected] or 193 Purple Finch Loop, Pataskala, OH 43062. Contest rules available by request.
Cleanfax Online Poll
How much impact on your work have IICRC standards and reference guides had?
♦ They have greatly affected it for the better. ………………………………… 51%
♦ They have had little to no effect on my work ……………………………… 28%
♦ They have slightly affected it for the better ………………………………… 18%
♦ They have slightly affected it for the worse ………………………………….. 3%
♦ They have greatly affected it for the worse. …………………………………. 0%
Facebook Focus