The Importance of Sustainability-Focused Vendors


Steve Ashkin, a recognized leading advocate for sustainability in the professional cleaning industry, recently conducted a poll on LinkedIn asking:

How important is it that your vendors are climate change- and sustainability-focused?

The poll was conducted during the last two weeks of July 2023. More than 80 LinkedIn members participated in the survey. Additionally, there were several comments about the topic from LinkedIn members.

This is what the survey uncovered:

  • 66% answered that it is “very important” that their vendors are climate change- and sustainability-focused
  • 17% answered that it is “somewhat important”
  • Another 17% indicated that it was not important.

“What we see here is that 83% of those participating [in the survey] said it was ‘somewhat’ to ‘very important’ that their vendors focus on sustainability,” said Ashkin. “I expect this percentage to grow.”

Before we go further with our discussion, the word “sustainability” might need some clarification.

“We are not talking about if a manufacturer, for instance, makes products using few natural resources,” explained Ashkin. “What we are referring to is how that manufacturer operates [its business].”

For instance:

  • Are they taking steps to foster social equity?
  • Are they profitable and making profits fairly and legally?
  • Are they focused on improving their local community?
  • What strategies do they have in place to protect the planet’s health?
  • Are they taking steps to work with vendors that believe in the importance of sustainability?

“Based on the results of this poll, [its important that] they are,” added Ashkin.

Cleanfax Staff

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