The Cleanfax 2015 Restoration Benchmarking Survey


Analyze this year’s data and statistics to see how your restoration company stacks up against industry averages.

Do you want to know the most profitable service restoration companies offer? How about how many companies are franchisees? Or maybe you need to know how much, on average, restoration companies pay their employees?

That type of data, valuable information and much more are all part of the 2015 Restoration Benchmarking Survey Report, sponsored by Dri-Eaz and ProRestore Products.

So carefully analyze the following pages. Here are a few highlights.

Marketing for new business

As expected, the best customer leads come from referrals, with more than 96 percent agreeing. In second place at nearly 78 percent is marketing to adjusters and insurance agents, making that a necessary marketing strategy, although many find it the most challenging. With nearly 40 percent traveling outside their immediate service area to chase large-scale disaster projects, marketing to adjusters is crucial.

Nearly 74 percent expect their revenue to significantly increase in 2015, with the weather having the most impact on profitability, followed by changes in marketing strategy, diversifying service offerings and insurance relationships, in that order.

Labor and wages

Restoration companies need quality employees, and the average number of full-time workers is at 11.5, with the median at five. Companies are charging an average of almost $85 per man hour for water damage restoration, with bio-hazard and trauma cleanup at the top of the per-man-hour list at $133.90.

Often asked in restoration-focused seminars and workshops, the question of “How much should I pay my front-line technicians?” shows starting wages sitting in the $10-$14 range, depending on geographic location. The average wage runs from just under $15 per hour up to nearly $17 per hour.

From the respondents

Cleanfax asked a few open-ended questions in its quest to discover concerns that impact the restoration industry. You can expect Cleanfax to cover these issues in upcoming months.

  • The “over-kill” of drying details required by some insurance programs.
  • How independent companies can compete with nationwide franchises.
  • Why it’s ever-increasingly difficult to work with insurance companies.
  • How to justify pricing that allows higher wages to certified employees.
  • Cleaning up the industry and getting rid of sub-par competition.

An interesting response shows a trend that is often brought up by veteran business owners: “Finding young people willing to work a 40-hour week.”

Click the below image to view the full 2015 Restoration Benchmarking Survey Report:

2015 restoration survey preview

About this report


This Cleanfax survey is based on results from restoration contractors responding to the survey. Results are not necessarily based on audited financial statements. Dri-Eaz and ProRestore Products are underwriting the presentation of this report but are not necessarily responsible for accuracy of the data.

Cleanfax Staff

Cleanfax provides cleaning and restoration professionals with information designed to help them manage and grow their businesses.

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