Moldy attics: A restoration pro’s worst nightmare.



Attics are difficult to access, treacherous to work in and can present project complexities beyond what is seen in “occupied” spaces of homes or businesses.

Attic mold is often addressed with manual wire-brushing, scrubbing or media blasting approaches, each of which has its drawbacks in confined spaces.

For these reasons attic mold remediation is often laborious, difficult work that offers little profitability to the restoration service provider.

To help restoration companies better capitalize on the opportunity presented by moldy attics, the team at Concrobium Professional Restoration Products has worked with industry leaders to develop a brand new approach to attic mold remediation. We call it Attic Attack!


Attic Attack! is first and foremost a new methodology. It’s a process that sits squarely within the industry’s Standard of Care but that allows restoration pros to take a new, effective and profitable approach to attic mold remediation.

The eight-step process allows contractors to safely and effectively eradicate mold in attic environments without resorting to manual-intensive procedures such as sanding, wire-brushing, scrubbing and media blasting. By using this methodology, restoration firms are able to reduce their project costs by 65 percent compared to manual remediation techniques.

The methodology accounts for various stages of the remediation process including pressurization, isolation and airborne particulate reduction, and is supported by the use of two innovative liquid technologies from Concrobium.

Using the Attic Attack! method, manual mold removal approaches are replaced by the application of Concrobium Mold Stain Remover. This unique liquid spray product requires no special application equipment and is applied directly to moldy surfaces to eradicate mold. Once dried on the surface, Concrobium Mold Stain Remover accomplishes two key objectives: 1) Physical separation of mold from contaminated surfaces and 2) Mold stain removal. And it does so without exposing workers to the harsh, corrosive ingredients usually associated with mold stain removal products.

Prior to post-remediation verification, the restored space can be treated with Concrobium Mold Control, an EPA-registered fungistat, to provide ongoing surface protection. The product is VOC-free and odorless, and can be applied using a ULV (cold) fogger to coat attic surfaces for microbial resistance. Unlike typical coatings and sealants, Concrobium Mold Control is vapor-permeable after it dries, so it doesn’t act as a moisture trap on the surface.

These proven mold-fighting solutions and the new Attic Attack! methodology are the subject of a scientific field study being completed in the summer of 2013. The findings from that study and the methodology itself will be presented at The Experience in Las Vegas, on September 5, 2013.

For full details about the Attic Attack! methodology, please visit our website at Full product information is available for Concrobium Mold Stain Remover and Concrobium Mold Control, as well as our one-step, hospital grade disinfectant and cleaner, Concrobium Broad Spectrum Disinfectant.

This content was provided by Concrobium Professional Restoration Products as part of a paid advertisement.
For more information, please contact Concrobium Professional Restoration Products directly at 866-811-4148 or

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