Disposing of carpet cleaning wastewater


CHICAGO — Spring and summer, the busiest time for the carpet cleaning industry, are around the corner, according to a press release.

And, an issue all carpet cleaners must grapple with is how to dispose of wastewater, the release stated.

Wastewater can contain several different types of bacteria, body fluids, human and animal waste, chemical compounds, oil, grease, smoke, airborne pollutants, detergents, solvents and more — all potentially hazardous to human health and the environment, the release noted.

According to the release, Doug Berjer, product manager for CFR Corporation, manufacturer of carpet extractors that recycle water, offers the following tips:

Carpet cleaning wastewater disposal tip #1: In most communities and in most carpet cleaning situations, wastewater can be discharged by pouring it into a sink, toilet, bathtub, or most other drainage systems as long as it is connected to the municipal sewer infrastructure.

Carpet cleaning wastewater disposal tip #2: Discharge water should be filtered to remove carpet fibers and other solids in order to prevent clogging pipes.

Carpet cleaning wastewater disposal tip #3: Filtered debris typically can be put in trash containers unless it contains hazardous materials.

For more tips, click here.

"Wastewater disposal has become a more serious problem in recent years in many parts of the country. A failure to properly dispose of wastewater can result in significant fines for the carpet cleaning technician and sometimes for the homeowner or building owner as well," said Berjer.

Click here to read the release in its entirety.

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