Tile Transformation [Photo Contest]
The photo contest winner this month is Juan Valdez of Aqua Steam Carpet Cleaning in Fort Worth, Texas for his surprising tile transformation. His company will receive a Visa gift card worth $250.
I went to this house just to clean carpet. When I walked in, I introduced myself and talked a bit about my experience and let the customer know what other services I offer—and did mention tile! When I was done cleaning the carpet, I asked the customer if I could do a clean sample on his tile. I sprayed the cleaner, and when I went over the floor with the tile tool, immediately he saw the big difference. The customer and I couldn’t believe it was so bad. He literally thought the dirty tile was the original color! He laughed and said to clean it, didn’t even ask how much. He said he was going to tell his wife he had replaced the tile.
For an opportunity to win a gift card worth $250, send your images and a brief 100-word description on how you obtained your results to Amanda Hosey, managing editor, at [email protected], or submit via Facebook Messenger at www.facebook.com/cleanfax. Contest rules available by request.
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In hard, porous floorcare, there are many problems that look like stains but are not. Make sure it’s not
etching, water spots, efflorescence, stuns, or wet stone.
Read more at cleanfax.com/porous-stain-removal.