Solution to Slime [Photo Contest]

The photo contest winner this month is Kirk Conder of Conder Carpet Cleaning in San Diego, Calif. for his solution to slime stains on carpet. His company will receive a Visa gift card worth $250.
The customer called us to take care of this thick, blue slime (a.k.a. “unicorn poop”) on light colored carpet. We used Pro’s Choice Pro-Solve Gel and a shark comb to loosen and remove the big glue chunks. Then came the color; we used a combination of things: a spray solvent for ink removal, dawn dish soap, and lots of extraction and agitation until it was no longer visible or extractable. In the end, we had restored the carpet back to slime free, and the customer was super pleased!
For an opportunity to win a gift card worth $250, send your images and a brief 100-word description on how you obtained your results to Amanda Hosey, managing editor, at [email protected], or submit via Facebook Messenger at Contest rules available by request.
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Most synthetic stains require using a reducing agent. You can perform a simple experiment to see for yourself: Add a reducing agent to a glass of red Kool-Aid, and watch the red disappear.