Saving the Past [Photo Contest]


The photo contest winner this month is Jeremy Priessman of Hartzell Restoration in Connersville, Ind. His company will receive a Visa gift card worth $250.

I received a call from a gentleman who had a house fire that was a total loss. After severe smoke and water damage and days sitting out in the snow and ice, we were able to get our hands on this piece, which was the only thing he wanted saved: the owner’s late father’s drill sergeant hat. As a veteran, this hit close to home, and I was able to take care of the cleaning for him free of charge.

Since it was 40-year-old wool, our process involved dry brushing with a horsehair brush; dry solvent cleaning; dry brushing once more; thermal fogging in an air-tight container to remove the smoke odor; and finally performing various touchups with diluted solvents. The leather strap was removed, cleaned, and conditioned until it was no longer stiff, and the brass was shined with Brasso as I was taught to do in boot camp years ago. The gentleman who owns the hat requested that it be returned as soon as possible, and we were able to pick it up and deliver the cleaned piece in less than 24 hours.

For an opportunity to win a gift card worth $250, send your images and a brief 100-word description on how you obtained your results to Amanda Hosey, managing editor, at [email protected], or submit via Facebook messenger at Contest rules available by request.


[infobox title=’DID YOU KNOW’][/infobox]

There are generally three reasons why pressure washing doesn’t completely clean a surface: You’re
using the wrong cleaning detergent; you’re using the right detergent incorrectly; or you’ve forgotten the detergent entirely.

Learn more about pressure washing at

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