Centrum Force Partners with Turkish Equipment Manufacturer

ANN ARBOR, Mich.—February 14, 2020—Centrum Force has finalized an agreement with Ergin Makina, a Turkish rug cleaning equipment manufacturer, which provides Centrum Force exclusive rights for the sell, distribution, and service of Ergin Makina products in the United States, Canada, and Mexico.
Abdulla Ergin, founder, engineer, and patent holder of İzmir, Turkey-based Ergin Makina, has been active in the rug cleaning machine business since 1968, with Erkin Makina itself dating back to the late 1970’s. Its manufacturing facility includes 45,000 square feet of modern workspace. With a customer-base in 50 countries, Ergin Makina is considered Turkey’s most well known and successful rug cleaning equipment manufacturer.
“The Centrum Force family of products offers an exceptional blend of value, quality and full-featured functionality for rug cleaning shops of all size. To offer our customers an even greater range of options, we have been looking for the opportunity to offer a lineup of machines that are highly affordable and that complement our existing Centrum Force and high-production MOR product lines,” said Centrum Force Co-founder and Sole Owner Tom Monahan.
Several models of rug-wringing centrifuges, an automatic dusting machine, a rug wash/wringer, and a finishing machine from Ergin Makina’s line of products will all be added to the Centrum Force product line. Monahan explained, “These products will fit synergistically into our company’s existing product line, offering customers even more choices in terms of value, features and cost.”
All machines will be built to Centrum Force’s specifications, including electronics and other critical features required to smoothly install in rug cleaning plants of all sizes. Centrum Force will provide the same level of service and support for Ergin Makina machines as it does for all of its Centrum and MOR products.
“When we met with Ergin Makina last year during a trip to the region, I was delighted to discover a company and an ownership that was highly akin to the core values that exemplifies Centrum Force. Things like a consistent commitment to quality, innovation, high-grade materials and craftmanship,” added Monahan. “Centrum Force is proud to be Ergin Makina’s exclusive North America’s sales arm and distributor in North America.”
The agreement went into effect February 14, and Centrum Force’s website will soon reflect this arrangement with information in English and Spanish. For more information on this agreement, contact Tom Monahan at [email protected] or by telephone at 734-260-5038