15 Things Every Business Buyer Should Know
By David Grossman Weā€™ve finally come to the end of this series on business acquisitions after previously exploring an overview of the buying process, drafting...
Do Your Due Diligence and Make Sherlock Holmes Proud
By David Grossman Thanks to the wealth of information available on the internet, we can (and usually do) research every purchase we make, from vehicles...
Be Careful What You Wish for: Drafting a Letter of Intent
By David Grossman In the March-April issue of Cleanfax, I laid out an overview of best practices for the business-buying process. In this article, find...
The Art of Business Buying
By David Grossman [one_half] I had made a number of investments with other peoplesā€™ money where I effectively limited my upsideā€”and, importantly, my riskā€”before I...
Finding the Fit: Franchise Versus Independent Business
By David Grossman Perhaps you have owned your cleaning company for a number of years, but growing it is becoming increasingly challenging. Or maybe you...